so we are searching for new bloggers/staffers who are willing to join our group....
the requirements are :-
1) Preferably from the US time zone
2) preferably sumone who has a knowledge with Blogger
the above two are still optional....but the MOST IMPORTANT CONDITION IS
3) MUST love Robert/Kristen both together or apart
As a Blogger/Staffer you will be required to give the blog at least 1-2 hours of your time..and you are required to update any news you get regarding R/K or the rest of the Twi-Cast
If any of You are interested please contact me at twitter ...just send me a tweet at @mesweetgirl or you can also mail me HERE
you can also comment here giving your contact info
WE REALLY WANT TO KEEP THIS BLOG if you are interested please contact me As soon as possible :))