
"I think the whole point is to make her believe that she's perfect,the most beautiful"- Rob

"No matter what people say about our relationship,he's my best friend"- Kristen

Jul 29, 2010

New Robert Pattinson Interview with Glamour UK

Q: What made you say yes to Remem­ber Me; you are in the posi­tion to say yes or no to a direc­tor to choose which movie you want to be in or which movie you don’t want to be in?

A: Kind of. You get cer­tain offers and stuff, but with this, it was before Twi­light came out, and I read the script and I wanted to do another job before Twi­light came out. I didn’t end up doing one, but that was one of the things I read. So with this, usu­ally every sin­gle young guy who is a lead is often such a stock char­ac­ter. But Tyler wasn’t really com­ing from an obvi­ous place and wasn’t end­ing up in an obvi­ous place either, so it gave you much more to work with, and it could be more of a char­ac­ter piece. There are cer­tain things about generic films where you have to do cer­tain things and per­form in a cer­tain way, and it doesn’t really make sense. I think that’s why this is kind of a lit­tle bit weird in that respect, it doesn’t really fit what you’d expect from this kind of drama.

Q: With Remem­ber Me, were there cer­tain aspects of the char­ac­ter you could empathize with? He’s a guy who likes to do his own thing…

A: Yeah, in a lot of ways, I saw right from the begin­ning that he was quite sim­i­lar to me, and I kind of tried to tai­lor it to be even more sim­i­lar, but then the more I tai­lored it, the more it became a fic­tional cre­ation. But yeah, I’ve been say­ing there’s a kind of moment where, I think it’s the end of the ado­les­cent period, where you think that you have to be an indi­vid­ual so much and you want to stamp your iden­tity on every­thing. I mean, you get to your early 20s and you are much more accept­ing of being part of the world, and not want­ing to drive every­thing away from you all the time, and I kind of had that when I was in my early 20s.

Q: Would you ever stand up for your­self to the point where you are going to fight with author­ity, like the character?

A: I know, that’s what one of the main things I liked about it; there are cer­tain things which are like fan­tasy scenes of mine. It was quite sat­is­fy­ing, even the way he fights. It was all in the script, it said he fights like a pit­bull, and I was just like, ‘Yeah, I want to fight like a pitbull!’
Q: Were you at all intim­i­dated by Pierce Bros­nan in real life?
A: I went to meet him for din­ner just before we started shoot­ing, and he’s a really nice guy. He’s kind of suave and he does look exactly the same all the time. He has great pos­ture. He does this funny thing when we’re out at a restau­rant and there are peo­ple look­ing over at him, and it’s a kind of posh French restau­rant so there are a lot of older, banker type look­ing peo­ple and they obvi­ously had no idea who I was, and they were obvi­ously just look­ing at him and mak­ing a lit­tle joke or what­ever, and he goes up to their table and intro­duces him­self to every­body at that table, and you can see that they all really like him — I don’t know what he said. He was intro­duc­ing me as his son to peo­ple. (laughter)

Q: Did this role feel very dif­fer­ent from the other roles that you have played?

 A: Yeah, def­i­nitely, there’s cer­tain things about it; you can impro­vise quite a lot more, espe­cially in com­par­i­son to the Twi­light films. The whole point of the Twi­light films is that there are so many hin­drances as to what you can do, whereas with Tyler, it’s kind of, it’s the first time I played some­body who is just the kind of nor­mal guy, with­out any­thing fancy, or with­out a period ele­ment, or with­out some kind of social inad­e­quacy. He is lit­er­ally just a nor­mal guy, with no spe­cific hand­i­caps, and it was fun.

Q: How did you regard Tyler’s rela­tion­ship with Car­o­line; they kind of need each other, don’t they?

A: Yeah, but it’s like, at the same time, she’s the kind of key or some­thing. It’s not like they’re going to meet up and every­thing changes in their lives or what­ever. It’s not say­ing people’s lives com­pletely change, just hav­ing a cou­ple of days of hap­pi­ness, or a cou­ple of min­utes of hap­pi­ness, can lit­er­ally turn around your entire life, and you just have to be aware of it, you just have to make them sort of see things just a lit­tle bit more.

Q: When will you shoot the last Twi­light movie?

A: I think I’m going to have to do “Break­ing Dawn” at the end of this year, so I’m not sure when.

Q: What’s your best dis­guise in order to be able to walk down Oxford Street?

A: Bit­ing your nails works quite well! Actu­ally, I was in HMV on Oxford Street on Christ­mas Eve buy­ing Christ­mas presents, and not a sin­gle per­son noticed. And here were posters [Twi­light and New Moon] every­where! It’s been years since I’ve done any­thing like that, and I think peo­ple just aren’t look­ing in the same way in London.

Q: How do you deal with fame?

A: I just try to keep work­ing. Even ten years ago, Leonardo DiCaprio always talked about being able to take a break away from every­thing, but I don’t think you can do that any­more. I think you need to cap­i­tal­ize and steer your career at the same time, because I think that, espe­cially with a thing like Twi­light, where it is lit­er­ally such a huge universe…

Q: Is it a bur­den to you, but it opens doors?

A: It opens doors and it closes oth­ers, like any­thing does. You can say, ‘Oh if I was still unknown, then no one would judge me’, but at the same time, nobody would give a shit either (laugh­ter). It’s a weird lit­tle bal­ance. And most of the time, you are just com­pletely guess­ing what you should do, so I guess I’m just doing scripts that I think are good.

Q: Did the Twi­light fans make shoot­ing Remem­ber Me in New York quite difficult?

A: The fan sit­u­a­tion, com­pletely, hon­estly, they were lovely. They would com­pletely respond to peo­ple say­ing — “Please go and wait over there or some­thing”, even when there were tons and tons of them, but it was like the paparazzi who were unbe­liev­able. They were like jackals.

Q: You said that you never asked a girl on a date like Tyler does. Is that more dif­fi­cult now you’re famous?

A: Yeah, I would imag­ine. I’m much more self con­scious now because you can’t afford to like fail. You’re kind of afraid of suc­ceed­ing too so you just kind of, you know, any­way you look at it…

Q: In what ways has this suc­cess changed things for you?

A: It changed more in Amer­ica. I always thought it was going to be like this. I came out last Christ­mas and it was kind of… it was all pretty low key again and I always thought it would’ve changed by now in Lon­don but it hasn’t really. Peo­ple just don’t look for the same stuff, but in Amer­ica, I guess it is different.


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