Here's a short video from of Robert Pattinson arriving in Vancouver for Breaking Dawn filming
And now some pictures

12 More NEW HQ/Untagged Pictures - thanks to Setje at Pattinsonlife

The man can walk with some serious swagger even in chaos. I got a thing for the preppy look. I'm a sucker for letterman jackets, polos, sweater vests, button ups, loafers, etc....
So Robert Pattinson's touchdown-in-Vancouver steeze got me all giddy. PreppyRob FTW! Marina H. gave us a wallpaper to celebrate Rob's new look and give PreppyRob a home on my desktop.

Click for HQ

This new jacket on Rob worked for me :) How cool is that it's not just some random letterman jacket, but a vintage one at that. 1980′s rock star, Eddie Van Halen, wore the same jacket in 1984 during Van Halen’s tour.

A quick chat I had with TheFabLife and they were totally down with PreppyRob. Said it looked like he could be remaking Pretty in Pink. Although, Rob reminded me more of Jake Ryan than Blane McDonnagh...and infinitely swoonier than both. ;)

Hope PreppyRob has some staying power like some of Rob's other outfits. *coughStolicough*
Letterman jacket: Source via Eclipse Saga via Spunk Ransom Via
pictures Via
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